
Although the latest update marked v4.0.0.55 began rolling out to various regions last week, for whatever reason, it seemed to of have gotten held up somewhere along the line and as such we held off on posting it. Most folks who downloaded it, managed to grab it from the various OTA's posted in the forums but now it's directly available on the RIM servers. Integration with. Original Posted By p4col Mau test BBM V.7 Device: Gemini OS 5, udah coba baca panduan di Page 1. Pada saat mau buat User baru di beta zone supaya bisa dapat keycode kenapa formnya sudah teriisi sendiri apalagi untuk contact email sudah teriisi dan terinvisible (tidak bisa diedit). Kira2 itu kenapa ya ada solusinya untuk memecahkan masalah ini, need help please. 2 Responses to “OTA BBM 5 (Leak)” Feed for this Entry Trackback Address. July 18, 2009 at 15:57. I’m on Javelin 8900 OS 5.0 and none of the ota works.

Update – July 31, 2014

<img src='http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-1.png?w=800' alt='BBM WP 1' srcset='http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-1.png 282w, http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-1.png?w=84 84w' sizes='(max-width: 282px) 100vw, 282px' />

We’ve gotten an incredible number of requests for BBM to come to Windows Phone. In the coming weeks we’ll be ready to welcome millions of Windows Phone users to the growing BBM community.

Sharing Experiences with Control and Privacy

In this first release of BBM for Windows Phone, we’re focused on introducing Windows Phone users to the power of sharing experiences in the moment through the immediacy and privacy offered by BBM. Users can engage in BBM Chats with one or many contacts, with the ability to share pictures, voice notes, contacts and location.

BBM Groups let you connect and share with up to 50 contacts. Jio phone 2 vs jio phone 1. In addition to a private group chat, BBM Groups offer you a shared photo album where group members can chat about pics as well as shared calendars and shared lists. Broadcast messages will also be included in the first release, providing a way to quickly reach large groups of contacts as well as creating a feed where you can check out news from all your BBM contacts.

We’ll be working to quickly add more features to BBM for Windows Phone such as stickers, BBM Voice, BBM Channels and location sharing powered by Glympse in the months ahead.

A Fresh New Native Look & Feel


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<img src='http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-feeds.png?w=800' alt='BBM WP Feeds' srcset='http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-feeds.png 292w, http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-feeds.png?w=84 84w' sizes='(max-width: 292px) 100vw, 292px' />

Customers love apps that are simple, easy to use and beautifully designed. Over the last couple of releases we’ve focused on simplifying the BBM user experience to make it easier to sign up, sign in and add BBM contacts. When it comes to design, we’ve heard users asking for a native experience that matches the experience they’re accustomed to on their phone.

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I’m excited to announce with this release of BBM for Windows Phone we will be moving to a more familiar, native user experience that embraces the clean, modern design of the Windows Phone UI.

Bhoothnath returns full movie download. The BBM for Windows Phone interface focuses on three key areas core to the BBM experience: Contacts, Chats and Feeds.

Swiping left and right will move you between these three pages. Common actions are found at the bottom of the page in the footer and additional controls can be found in the menu accessed through the three dots.



In Contacts, we’ve created a single centralized place where you will find all your BBM contacts, regardless of whether it’s an individual, or a BBM Group. At the bottom of the Contacts page you have the ability to search for a contact, find friends, create a new BBM Group and select multiple contacts to create a new multi-person chat, send a broadcast message or organize a contact category. Another really cool thing you can do with BBM for Windows Phone is pin a BBM contact to the Start menu for easy access. When you select that BBM contact from the Start menu you will be taken directly to a chat window with them.

<img src='http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-chats.png?w=800' alt='BBM WP Chats' srcset='http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-chats.png 285w, http://rimblogs.files.wordpress.com/2014/07/bbm-wp-chats.png?w=85 85w' sizes='(max-width: 285px) 100vw, 285px' />


The Chats page is your single destination for all your BBM Chats including group chats, multi-person chats, and one-to-one BBM chats. From the chats page you can start a pick up a conversation or start a new chat, multi-chat or broadcast message. In a chat, you have lots of ways to share. You can attach a picture from your camera, add a voice note, send a contact, share a photo from your gallery or send your location.


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Feeds lets you see what’s happening with your BBM contacts. Fl studio 12 crack serial number. Here you will see when contacts update their status or profile photo. If you want to chat about one of their updates, just touch on their name and you’ll be taken to a chat. Here you can also quickly update your own status to share what you’re up to or what’s on your mind.

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BBM for Windows Phone Beta Starting Soon

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The BBM team here at BlackBerry has been busy getting BBM for Windows Phone ready to go. We’re preparing for an external beta ahead of our launch and are ready to start accepting applications to participate. Now remember, this is a beta and our expectation is that participants will help us make BBM for Windows Phone great by actively participating. If you’re not ready to report bugs, respond to surveys and provide feedback – better to wait just a bit longer for the full release. If you are excited to join the BBM for Windows beta program, please apply at BlackBerry BetaZone.