
AsusAsus Log IniisAsus Log Iniis

The installer will place a shortcut on your desktop and launch HijackThis. Vista and Windows 7 users must right click on the hijackthis icon and click on run as. If the run as option doesn't appear then press and hold the shift key while right clicking on the icon to get it to appear. Click Do a system scan and save a logfile. ASUS 電腦主機板開機出現 AsusSetup 錯誤「c: Users Home AppData Local temp 212316Log.iniis Lost」解決方法 2016-12-25 作者 小YA 最近小編在華碩 ASUS 主機板的電腦上手動重新安裝 Windows 7 的系統,安裝完華碩官方所有的驅動程式以及其他哩哩扣扣的軟體,最後來的清理.

Jan 24, 2005

Asus Log Iniis Price

I just replaced my motherboard with a new P8Z77-V LE LGA 1155 Intel Z77 model. I reloaded Windows 7 64 bit operating system because of the new board. I am having an error I cannot find on Google search engine, and wonder if any of you could help figure it out. After reboot, I get an error message stating 'C:Users]JimAppDataLocalTemp224003Log.iniis lost'. Everything seems to work great except for that error each time I boot. I have used several registry cleaners including CCleaner, Auslogics Registry Cleaner, and Jet Clean, unsuccessfully , in an attempt to find the problem. I have reloaded every motherboard driver again from Asus, again without success. I am out of ideas. Anyone out there have any suggestions? Thanks for reading.